Takeout TriTip Dinner FUNdraiser

Let us feed your family dinner on Friday February 28 during our third annual TAKEOUT TriTip Dinner FUNDRAISER.
The Menu:
Sliced TriTip, baked potatoes, dinner roll and salad. With an option to add on slices of Cheesecake for dessert. YUM!
2 person dinner $50
4 person dinner $85
Cheesecake $5/slice
(1 person meals can be purchased for $30 and 6 person meals can be purchased for $120)
What this is for:
Tuolumne Park and Recreation hosts many activities and events FREE of charge to the community including an Easter Egg Hunt, a Halloween Parade, a Christmas parade, Concerts in the Park and Friday evening summer Movies. This FUNDRAISER helps us to continue bringing the FUN to Tuolumne.
How this works:
MUST Pre Purchase a meal package
Show up at the Memorial Hall any time from 430-630pm on Friday February 28 to pick up your meals.
How to pay:
Call our office at 209-928-1214 to pay with a card
Come into our office at 18603 Pine Street Tuolumne to pay with cash, check or card.
Pay through Venmo - TuolumnePark_andRecreation
Enjoy a night off from cooking AND be a part of the Fun we bring to Tuolumne!